Blading Community

Blading Community is a monthly challenge video series. Every month we'll announce a new trick. You'll have all month to learn the trick and capture a video clip of yourself performing it. Any obstacle, any variation, just need to do the trick. At the end of the month, upload your clip to the Back to Blading Dropbox folder and include your name and Instagram. We'll compile all the clips into a single video and publish the video on the Back to Blading YouTube channel. Then it's onto the next trick.

July Challenge: 360 Air

This month's Blading Community Challenge is the 360 Air. Fakie or Forward, Street or Park, all we need is a 360 Air.

Due Date: July 30th


Clip Submission Form

Help us make the edit faster and better by adding some information about you. Then you’ll be able to upload your clip:


Previous Challenges